My holders and contacts
Changing contact information or replacing administrative, technical, or invoicing contacts in your .lu domain name
Free of charge
Three different contacts are assigned to a domain name: an administrative contact, a technical contact and an invoicing contact. Each one has a different role. Their roles range from online management and classic management.
In all cases, contact information must be kept up to date in order to avoid any interruption to the proper management of a domain name. Timely notification should be provided of any change (new address, new email, new telephone number). Similarly, the registrar should be notified as soon as there is a change in any of the contacts of a domain name.
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
- You update details about the administrative, technical, and invoicing contacts
- You ensure that the information provided is accurate
- You ensure continuity of communication between the registrar and, in some cases, .lu's registrar, and between each contact
How to benefit?
As a holder, or a holder's representative, you can, if needed, contact the registrar beforehand in order to obtain the contact details for your domain name.
The contact details are changed through the "Application and modification form for a domain name under .lu" document.
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
In 'PART 1: Request' select the options ‘Modify technical or administrative data of an existing domain name’ and 'Update of holder or contact details'.

A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
Fill in with the updated information and then sign the whole form, along with its amendment.
Attention! If the change concerns the administrative contact, a signatory to the aforementioned form, their replacement must be confirmed in writing - and as a hard copy - by the holder.
Send the duly completed documents via email to or by post. If applicable, attach a 'Power of Attorney'.
Additional information
Before being designated as a 'contact', relevant parties involved in the management of the domain name must have been notified in advance and apprised of their role. The administrative contact must, moreover, have a power of attorney from the holder for the purposes of the management of the domain name.
The same person involved in the management of the domain name can be the administrative and / or the technical and / or the invoicing contact.
Contact information are categorised as personal data and therefore subject to French law on data protection and to the General Regulations on Data Protection (GRDP).
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
Useful documents
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I find out who is the registered invoicing contact?
- With classic management, contact the registry for a copy of the initial registration or most the recent invoice.
- With online management, in the registration platform in the 'My domain names' category, the manager of the account can view the relevant contacts for each individual domain name.
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
What can I do if the invoicing contact or manager does not pay?
This may occur, particularly if contact information are not accurate or if the individual responsible for payment is unavailable. You can take some simple steps to avoid your domain name from being deleted.
- With classic management, you should submit a contact information update request if it is inaccurate, or replace the invoicing contact.
- With online management, check, and if necessary, replace the account manager with any person who is able to pay via credit card.
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
Changing entered contact details for a domain name holder.
Free of charge
The contact details for a domain name holder may change at any time. We should be notified of moves, changes of address, or changes in a telephone number.
Sometimes there are bigger changes, particularly for companies, institutions, or organisations. Their corporate name or legal form can change over the years.
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
- You update your domain name holder's contact details
- You ensure that the information provided is accurate
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
How to benefit?
In the case of a change in telephone number, email or postal address
The contact information are changed through the "Application and modification form for a domain name under .lu" document.
In 'PART 1 : Request' select the options ‘Modify technical or administrative data of an existing domain name’ and 'Update of holder or contact details'.

A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).
Fill in and then sign the whole form, along with its amendment.
Send the duly completed documents via email to or by post. If applicable, attach a 'Power of Attorney'.
In the event of changing the corporate name and/or legal form
These details cannot be changed in the online account. In the event of a change in the corporate name or the holder's legal form being amended, the holder must provide supporting documentation for the name change to the registry, in writing as a hard copy.
All relevant supporting documentation (trade registry, legal deed, etc.) should be attached to the request sent via email to or by post.
Additional information
- A change in a holder's contact details is allowed, with the exception of a change of the holder themselves. In this event, the domain name may be traded to a new holder.
- Changing a holder's details will apply to all of the domain names assigned to them.
A domain name is a functional identifier that is unique, understandable, and memorable to and by human beings. It enables technical information to be obtained, such as the IP address of websites or electronic mailboxes, by asking a names server (DNS server).