The Restena Foundation has published a user manual on how to configure the name servers on its online registration platform

At the end of June 2021, the Restena Foundation published a user manual for users of the .lu domain name online platform. Entitled 'Configuring name servers on', it provides key information on how to configure their DNS servers.

The user manual begins by explaining the environment in which the “DNS servers” service available on operates, including:

  • the background information essential for a good understanding of DNS as well as the introduction to the basis of "glue records" and DNSSEC technology (Domain Name System Security Extensions);
  • the specificities of activating or deactivating the DNS configuration, including timings for DNS changes propagation, the number of servers required and the types of DNS records supported.

It then details the steps to follow in the two main cases encountered on the platform:

  • if the user uses their own servers or those provided by their DNS provider,
  • if the user uses the DNS servers provided under

Access to DNS settings, activation of DNS configuration, edition and confirmation of the DNS records are detailed. The specifics of configuring one's own DNS servers or editing the DNS records supported by are also explained. 

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